Local SEO tips for tourism operators

As a tourism operator, you compete with many different search queries when developing your search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy. One of which is the “local searches, also known as “local-based search”. A local search is a search where an internet user specifically enters the location into the search query (i.e. beach café in Adelaide). The search engine will implicitly pick up the location.   

But why is local SEO important? Well, here are some figures you should know about important local SEO stats as outlined by Hubspot: 

  • 46% of Google searches are seeking local information 
  • 28% of local searches convert to business 
  • 92% of users will select businesses that show up within the first page of their local search 
  • 61% of mobile searchers contact local businesses with mobile-friendly websites  
  • 97% of people use the internet to learn about a local company or business 
  • In the past couple of years, phrases “close by” and “near me” grew by 900% in local Google searches 

These figures show how internet users are relying heavily on local searches to find what they want. And they’re solid proof of why tourism operators should target important local queries in their SEO efforts.  


Local SEO will boost your bookings

The main goal of any SEO effort is to rank high in the search engine results page. In a highly competitive tourism marketthis can be a steep climb for any operator. Fortunately, Google is on your side as the algorithms prioritise content that provides fresh and valuable information. This means securing higher positions for relevant local searches queries is possible and doable. And if done right, that will be your biggest source of inquiries, leads, and bookings.   


So how do you work on your local SEO?

Here are three of the most important local SEO tips for tourism operators. 


Always show your location  

To get the best optimisation benefits, make sure your location information is always placed in the most important elements, such as: 

  • Page Title 
  • Headings 
  • Page URL 
  • Meta description 
  • Image file name and Image alt text 

To get maximum exposure, you should set up different pages for different locations. For example, if you offer tours in different cities, then you should have two pages for each instead of combining both in one page. 


Provide your NAP 

NAP refers to Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP). These are the details people usually search for in their local searches, so make it easy for them to see. Include your NAP in different sources, such as: 

  • Contact Page 
  • Footer Page 
  • Tourism Directories 
  • Local Directories 
  • Google My Business Profile 
  • Advertising and Marketing Sources 

Keep your NAP consistent across all different channels. Make sure the contact numbers you provided all work. If you change contact numbers, make sure they are updated on your online profiles.  


Google My Business 

This free and easy tool is a must-have for any businesses. It lets you manage your online presence across the Google platform  from searches to Maps. You can verify and edit your business information and help your target customers find you easily. It also has lots of nifty features that can help your online presence, such as: 

  • Photos of your business 
  • Sharing of content and articles online 
  • Important details about your business operations (operating hours, website link, social media profiles links, Google Maps) 
  • Allows people to contact you and receive messages 
  • Accept and manage user reviews 
  • Advertise products and deals 

When setting up your Google My Business profile, make sure you provide all relevant information. Also, use all keywords and keyword phrases as needed. Post high-quality photos of your business, including products and services you offer. Keep on top of the reviews while addressing the negative ones


Local SEO is a gem. Make sure you include this in your marketing strategy because if you do it right, you’re sure to grow your profit margin.  


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